What are natural remedies for skin infections?

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What are natural remedies for skin infections?

Natural remedies can complement traditional treatments for skin infections, but they should not replace medical advice, especially for serious or worsening infections. Ivermectin cream buy online can also be used to treat scabies, a skin condition caused by the Sarcoptes scabies mite, which leads to intense itching and rashes. Ivermectin cream is commonly used to treat rosacea, particularly the papulopustular subtype.

  • Honey, particularly manuka honey, has antibacterial properties. You can apply it directly to the affected area, and then cover it with a bandage.
  • Known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects, aloe vera gel can help calm irritated skin and promote healing.
  • Contains lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties. It can be used to moisturize and may also help combat some bacteria and fungi.

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