Why does my man lose his hard on?

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Why does my man lose his hard on?

A guy may have trouble keeping an erection for a variety of reasons, so it's important to address this matter sensitively and honestly. Erectile dysfunction is a frequent occurrence that may stem from both physiological and psychological factors.Blood flow and nerve function may be impacted by a number of medical disorders, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hormone imbalances, which can exacerbate erectile dysfunction.


A number of drugs, including as blood pressure, antidepressants, and antihistamines, might have adverse effects that affect a person's ability to erect.Stress and worry: Sex arousal and performance may be affected by high levels of stress or worry, regardless of the source—work, relationships, or other facets of life.


The worry that one won't be able to carry out a sexual act to the fullest may become a self-fulfilling prophesy and result in erectile dysfunction.Sexual function and libido may be impacted by mental health issues, such as depression.